Tamar George Psychic Coach and Channel of Divine Wisdom Relationship counselor, Communication counselor in Relationships.
What is happening in the world.
Why am I feeling things, sensing things I never have before? What is happening? What is Spirit saying for my life?
Before you read my qualifications, ask yourself why you would not hire a coach for your life? Your confused on what is going on in the world and with you? Why are you interested in what you were not interested before. What are the justifications to continue a life or beliefs that don't work for you? How many times a day do you have self loathing thoughts or even morbid thoughts about yourself and your life. Okay, now that you were honest for a minute. How can you help guide me, what are your qualifications Tamar? Tamar George has been working to sharpen her intuition for 40 years now. She has been receiving guidance from Spirit since she was a child. Most people think Tamar is younger then her 75 years. She has had a lot of life experiences plus amazing intuition and gained wisdom. Tamar was told her psychic ability's were brought with her into this world, so she could help others? Tamar has been working with the public for 40 years now doing readings. Most of her psychic readings were already coaching because she realized telling people probable outcomes (in a reading) was not really helping anyone, because they were not changing beliefs to create a different outcome. We usually choose to just keep repeating the same old patterns of pain over and over again. That what we want in a reading is to have things magically happen and not have to take responsibility for changing our issues. We justify that we have right thinking and right action. Yet our life reflects things that are really wrong.
Tamar has studied with best spiritual teachers present in the world today including the ones not present. Intuitive coaching is a process set up to have Spirit to take you by the hand and guide you over the obstacles of life. But why do this work? Can you imagine having someone a phone call or Zoom call away to listen to what is going on in your life and then bringing you back to a place of power and harmony? What a gift.
Stress is the number one killer of humans. We take our stressful issues and transfer it into disease and mental illness. In the process of coaching you can take your stress and let go of it. Can you possibly imagine letting go of the same old issues and embracing change as a good thing? Seriously can you even imagine for a moment, a life of peace and serenity. Intuitive Coaching is a method that uses one’s psychic abilities as a foundation to psychically scan your mental, emotional and unconscious self. Spirit then let's the coach know the direction to start in. Once the person becomes aware of certain limitations and hidden strengths, they then can more actively participate in creating new pathways in their life. The Intuitive Coach helps the other discover the key to self-realization and true success.
You must change your patterns. It doesn't happen over night or in one session. It happens with consistency, focus and determination. And that works. Imagine holding a mirror and when you look into it you can see the patterns in your life in exquisite detail. The key is to first see the patterns. These are aspects you cannot likely see for yourself. Once you can clearly see the patterns of your life - you can change them. A coach is not attached to your patterns and has great insight to what they are and what to do. Can you do this yourself, sure. Will you? Not likely, you will get distracted and go back to those old patterns out of habit. That's the problem.
A intuitive coach will give you something to do and active homework to report back with. I've heard every story imaginable in the last 40 years. Rather than focusing on the "story" that manifests as a result of these patterns, we are able to work directly with the patterns themselves and rewrite a new story. This is a co-creative work and this work is interactive and will develop the clients own innate psychic/intuitive abilities.
What will I benefit? You will gain a deeper understanding of who you are, what you are doing here, what you have accomplished thus far and what's blocking you from what you want. You will get answers about your life and relationships. You will be able to identify and clear blocks. You will be able to hear your spirit's desired direction for your life. You will find trust in you, trust in others You will... Release feelings of loss and grief over wasted time. Find wholeness. Resolve past traumas and abuse. Develop better coping abilities. Create and maintain healthy relationships. Deepen your spiritual ability to experience bliss. Discover insights for wholeness and wellness. Regain hope. Enhance your self-esteem. Build a better self-image. Increase self-worth. Increase your ability to attract the energy of money. Deal with stress more efficiently. Deal with difficult people more effectively. Build and sustain success in all that you desire. Creating motivating vision and mission statements. What subjects do you coach? Coaching that I do is for transition and changes, letting go of resistance, surrendering to what your heart says, giving up holding yourself back, moving forward, owning your gifts, living in joy and truth, and living life as fun.
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........$55 an hour...... Past Life prices are more $125 for 3 lifetimes. (1/2 hour or more)
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