Professional Psychic for 40 years! Which means I won't waste your time.


Lot's to discuss, what is going on with you, the world, your significant other, family, work and on and on.


........$55 an hour...... Past Life prices are more at $125 for 3 lifetimes. (1/2 hour or more)

Add if you want to do zoom, facetime or just phone! Please glance over

testimony's below! for direct payment or use phone number.


Pay Pal takes visa or mastercard. No worries I can reimburse any mistake. Paypal has a great reputation of safety. Click on the link below, paypal INSTRUCTIONS: enter description (reading) –price per item ($55) – (only 1) and then click on continue– It updates what you will be charged and takes you to the next page for credit card...enter ccard (totally safe) No need for shipping please uncheck and put email in so it sends me that you paid. scroll to Pay NOW. I send you back a reply from the pay pal email--- plus I will confirm the session we already agreed to. You will get time to check for errors before clicking finish.

Pay Pal takes visa or mastercard.

do click on the buy now button

My psychic gifts have tripled in the last year with all the incoming energy. Sure you can go to a fair/or bookstore. Most of those psychics can just read cards. I can read your energy and people I have never met. I can read purpose, beliefs, fears, what's manifesting in the now, past lives, physical energy stuff and on and on and on.

Interview on a podcast with Tamar George

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:

Thank you so much for the clarity you brought to me last night. I will thank you further by referring you fervently! C.W.

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:

(after phone session) I couldn't understand why you wanted questions until I did some self talk? What did I want? Why was my relationship driving me crazy? What was I missing? And than you patiently answered those questions in the most loving insightful way. I could hear spirit through your voice, the direction, wisdom, clarity were all there. I understood my relationship better than I ever have. You were able to merge with my significant other and tell me what they were going through and why they made certain choices I couldn't understand. You didn't predict what you couldn't (because of their free will), but based on repeat, repeat, repeat, those choices would likly continue unless I stood up for myself and renegotiated with them. I did just that and I'm out of the huge funk I was in. This email is to say thank you for doing what you do, even though it must be exhausting listening to everybody's sad story and having to be so upbeat all the time? But don't stop! I'll be calling again. H.B. Philadelphia

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:

"I had been resisting what you told me in our session, but I had a major breakthrough after we spoke about a direction to go in. I decided to check it out and the training program is exactly what I want and need. This process with you lit a fire in me that I forgot so long ago. Now I'm working on getting rid of my fears that have stopped me for so long." C.B. Pgh

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:

"A phone reading is perfect. I had a session with you before over the phone and the information was invaluable to me. Mostly I would like the reading to focus on relationships and strange happenings in my life right now." what she emailed after the reading. "Spending time on the phone with you is like ten years of therapy in an hour!"T.M.

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:

"Of all you've done in my case, I think what I most appreciate is the opportunity you offered to make the session interactive. I assumed that someone who work's with their psychic gifts (does the reading) and then people like myself just don't quite catch on that they need to make the information workable and productive for themselves. We are such a consumer oriented society that we hope to get our money's worth without our own input? It seems to me that you set this up to minimize this misuse of readings and this makes you different. You've helped facilitate a conversation between me and the Universe. What more could I ask for? I also appreciate the overall quality of your reading, you answered all my questions with astounding intuition with great advice on what to do next...thanks Tamar!" T.K., Washington, DC.

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:

I feel blessed to have found Tamar to work with as a mirror, guide, and seer.
Everytime we have a session together, I feel grateful for the clarity she helps
me to uncover. Tamar is the first person to have successfully helped me through
my own past life regression ... the space she holds is perfect for diving deep.

If journeying yourself isn't what you are interested in, Tamar is also great
at exploring past lives for you. The chakra readings she does are always
spot on ... Going through the fears blocking each chakra is eye opening
and beneficial.

Tamar's experience as a psychic is obvious, no gimmicks or tricks, she
gets right to the point in a compassionate, loving way. The readings I've had from other psychics readings felt amateur and lacking in care. I always feel attended to and appreciated when working with Tamar. I highly recommend her, and I'm looking forward to discovering more about myself 'and my relations ...the process is always healing ... not to mention, fun! signed PW Peaceburgh community

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:

"I have grown spiritually, emotionally, and professionally with your help. You have shown me the process by which I can use to live my life in harmony & love (also to get over my stuff!). Assisting me in finding, claiming, & understanding my power and how to not give that power away but to use it as a positive, constructive, & loving force. I know you will care for me and will always have my best interest at the center of your heart. The best part in our work together is YOU and you always give me an honest assessment! Which I respect & love. KP Ohio

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:

"I believe that I would very much like to hear what you have to say, today. You did a reading for me once a few years ago, and at that time I did not want to hear the things that you had said. However, once I had time to reflect on the depth of it. I became a more complete person in some ways. The session altered the way that I had looked at things and allowed me to open myself up more,... so that I got more out of my life. Recently I have been feeling that I need to open myself up even more and really look at my life. There are new beginnings happening for me at this point in my life and I want to know how to 'proceed' with them." NZ mother of two, Pgh

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:


I just wanted to thank you. Our last session really helped me in a lot of ways. Your spirit guides were right about my boyfriend - he has completely shut down and, I believe, given up. I hate the thought that love isn't always enough - sometimes, no matter how much you want something, it isn't meant to be. It is extremely difficult and sad, but for the first time I have some hope. Not that things will work out with us, but that I will be okay by myself. Deep down, I never truly believed that I was worth living for just me. I did not feel as though I could overcome my depression, anxiety, and sensitive nature. I wanted to believe that perhaps these were actually gifts in disguise, but chastised myself for thinking that I was somehow "special" or more spiritually connected than other people. You helped me to see that we all have our own journeys in life, and that we all are, at our core, beautiful and good. And that it isn't arrogant to think that I am special, and that I can help myself and others in a positive way. As a highly introspective individual, I have had all of these thoughts before, but meeting with you really helped to reinforce the positive. I know as well that soul vs. human ego is a daily battle, but never before did I truly feel like it was a battle that could be won. Thank you again for helping me to believe in myself and to believe that every person has a purpose - we just need to try our best to make positive choices.

Take care,

A –Pgh, Pa

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:

"Tamar, you and spirit give the tools to apply everyday and that gives me real hope in my life. That I can do it. You aren't sitting there predicting things I could never make happen, you are giving me the tools to make it happen." .......................CW, New York, New York.

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:

A sweet loving testimonial: ..."a lot of whom I am today I contribute to you and your teachings of love. Since I started doing sessions with you, you have given me all that you know to guide me into the person I am and will be in the future. And as I write this, I have tears in my eyes, they are symbols of my gratitude, respect and love for you, Tamar. Because of your wisdom and ability to communicate your messages of love, I am a better mom, wife, friend, and person. I am forever thankful." BarbieC, Pittsburgh, Pa

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:

"You can see the past like nobody I've ever known. You make the hairs stand up on my arms when you talk about past patterns of beliefs in my life!" W K, Pittsburgh, PA

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:

Hello Tamar, my name is ________. I met you several years ago for a reading, in _____. I was quite misguided at that point in my life. Since our last meet, Ive healed my marriage, completed my graduate degree and became a professional counselor, started a practice and became a yoga teacher too ! Now Im entering a new life transition and would appreciate some guidance. Thank you for your time and listening, bdl

TESTIMONY'S on e-mail:


Just wanted to say thank you for the reading.
Excited to read your book. A. Pgh


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